Making Connections


Sacred Rok has started another relationship locally outside Yosemite/Mariposa area with Sierra Quest, which is a permanent, and stable resource for minors and non minor dependents (NMD) involved in probation and the child welfare system.

So far, our two day trips have shown how much there is to experience and learn through hiking, swimming, climbing small rocks, and visiting our Native Elder in the Wahhoga Village. Some of the kids are eager to come back and volunteer and hear more stories about Native Culture.


When asked if they had anything to share about their experiences, here are a couple of examples of what they had to say:

The trip was fun and educational. The leaders taught us about how the trails were made and about the trees. The MiWuk elder taught us about the Native American culture in Yosemite National Park and we gave an offering at the grinding holes in the MiWuk village to pay respect to the elders. The MiWuk elder was kind and his dog was adorable and strong. We went bouldering in Camp 4 - Katie and Ron were great teachers and kept us safe. We had so much fun and learned a lot!” - SQ Youth


“The Sacred Rok trip was a spiritual experience. It was very enjoyable and I loved all the people I met along the way. One of the most memorable experiences was going to the MiWuk village and learning about their culture and learning about the spiritual significance of ceremonial sites - things I did not realize and was not aware of before. Also, the people were so nice. I enjoyed Ron and Katie. They were such good teachers. The whole day was wonderful. I especially appreciated getting through the boulder problem that, at first, I could not figure out. Then I got to feel the satisfaction of solving it and reaching the top of the boulder. I'm so glad to have the opportunity to volunteer for the MiWuk tribe in the future, and I feel it is messed up that their tribe has not been recognized.” - SQ Youth


This relationship with Sierra Quest will be ongoing, which has always been a part of our commitment to facilitate the ceremony of nature

We are thankful to have another opportunity like this to work with Sierra Quest in our mutual interest to help our youth find a connection to the natural world and themselves in the safety and guidance of adults that care.

We humbly thank you for your support and commitment to Education Natures Way.

With Respect,

Ron Kauk - Executive Director

Katie Lambert - Chief Operating Officer


Sacred Balance


In the wisdom of nature we observe the never-ending need for balance. Within ourselves this is also true because, we are nature. We are living in a time that shows us what happens when we are out of balance with nature and ourselves. We feel at Sacred Rok that the future of education will depend on our ability to educate our youth on what it means to be a human being in balance with the natural world.

In the last months we’ve had great experiences staying in the natural flow of customizing trips that have expanded our own education about the beauty and serious fun to simply enjoy each other’s company.


Our connection to the Native community in Yosemite also connects us to the surrounding tribes, one of which Ryan and Isabella from Bishop, CA come from. We had two days trips with them in Tuolumne late summer and early fall, here are some words from Ryan:


My daughter, Isabella, and I recently had the opportunity to join Sacred Rok for a couple of day trips climbing in Tuolumne, and the experience has left an indelible mark on both of us. Isabella’s heritage is, in part, Mono Lake Piute and by extension, her ancestry is tied to the Native American’s of Yosemite. Over the years, whether it be hiking the traditional trails from Lee Vining to the Valley; camping on the shores of Tenaya Lake and having days of ceremony and sweat; or waiting for the Bear to come in the Wahoga in the village in the valley, we have shared many experiences together there and it holds a special place in our hearts. We are connected to it and it to us.

The weight of the pandemic and subsequent lockdown brought hardships for all. With travel restrictions in place and smoke from California forest fires obscuring even a view of our local mountains, it was a lot not being able to recreate at all. So, the chance to get out and climb, in Yosemite of all places, really lifted our spirits.


As a weekender we have climbed together since she was little starting in the gyms of Los Angeles. And eventually sport climbs and the boulders of Bishop, our hometown. But this trip was something different. The layers of connection deepened the experience, and it was incredible. Add to that being there under the guidance and energy of Ron and Katie, and it’s a force multiplier.

 As a father nothing has given my life more purpose, more meaning than watching the world come to life through my daughter’s eyes. I watched as she once again connected to this place. And through the climbing gain confidence and self-esteem. We even celebrated her birthday there, and Katie made a special strawberry loaf. And it was so special! The depth and weight of this shared experience has brought Isabella and I closer and our relationship and bond has been significantly enhanced. I cannot express our gratitude adequately in words alone, but we will continue to demonstrate the gravity of it by sharing it with others. We cannot wait to go again!

Thank You Sacred Rok! 

-Ryan & Isabella


Its in the creativity we all have within us to respond and take responsibility to find new ways to continue our connection with each other that promotes the healing nature’s way and to bring back the balance.

As Shoshone Elder, Corbin Harney said, “There’s one air, one water and one Mother Earth.”

Thank you for your support that keeps our connection going, that is ultimately about bringing back the balance, starting with ourselves.

Ron Kauk, Executive Director

& Katie Lambert, COO

The Power of Nature


In these unique times Sacred Rok has found ways to continue to support youth in nature. For example, over the last ten years in Tuolumne Meadows where we host all of our camping trips, we made friends with other campers. There was a young boy and his mother, Fionn and Tracey, who camped near us for many summers. Fionn would see Ron splitting fire wood at camp and he took interest in learning how to do that which started a friendship. Ron taught him how to chop and stack wood and they spent many hours together over the years this way.  With much needed nature time after following shelter in place orders for months, we had a unique opportunity to invite them to stay with us this summer.


Here are some thoughts Tracey shared about what it meant to them.


With lock down and city life I was beginning to think I was broken. Thankfully from the moment we got to Sacred Rok, the layers started to peel off; Watching my son's bright smile when he saw Ron for the first time this summer, swimming laps in the valley river, falling off of the paddle board, Katie's nutritious/delicious meals, the trip to the lake. Nature combined with words from Ron and Katie on life, routine and nature will get us through this strange time.”


"My depression/fog has lifted. Returning to the small spot in SF is challenging but we have new tools and memories of the mini adventures, words of wisdom, ingrained images of the beauty, mountains and water. These have the ability to strip away the sadness like nothing else can. I am so grateful that I was able to get my son into nature, spending time with such amazing role models.”  - Tracey


Its just keeps becoming more and more obvious to us the importance of nature for health and wellbeing; As Tracey and her son were coming from such an intense situation of “shelter in place for months” and the relief they felt once in the presence of Yosemite.


Sacred Rok is and will always be committed to the reality of higher education nature’s way.

Ron Kauk - Executive Director

Katie Lambert - Chief Operating Officer

Sacred Rok Bandana

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We’re honored to share our Sacred Rok bandana with the three images of Half Dome, the black bear and the lightning bolt; All symbolic of a connection to our climbing roots and a lifetime of experiences in such profound beauty and wisdom that Yosemite shares. 

 Our commitment is to helping youth connect to this wisdom that is in all of us and waiting to come out through Education Natures Way. 

 For a $50 donation we are happy to send you this limited-edition gift as an appreciation of your support. 
