All Life is Sacred


We at Sacred Rok are happy to share what has proven to be true about nurturing relationships over time.


 As a nonprofit the question we always get is “are we seeing results?” We have felt that each time we have gathered together with all of our different groups, it’s like planting seeds that will grow in their own time. 

 Here’s an example of our relationship with Uplift Family Services, a foster care agency in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2013 we held our first trip with them, one of the participants was a youth named Nia Johnson. 


From Nia’s first trip in 2013 she also joined us for two more trips over the years and had turned 18. This was a crucial juncture; she was soon to be aging out of the foster care system. 

In July 2020 we reunited with her as we walked along the river appreciating the waterfalls and all the beauty of Yosemite that had brought us together in the first place. 

 In Sacred Rok’s commitment to facilitate the ceremony of nature Nia was able to develop her relationship to nature.


In her own words here are some of the things she shared with us: 

   “If you don’t know your history you tend to think you don’t have a story so it seems as though you have no control over your life. Having a relationship with nature can bring you alive in many ways and we see that all the time when we see kids open up and have fun and discover themselves in these spaces.” NJ

“There is a peace and a calm that comes with the outside world and that only makes sense because this is where we are from.”NJ 

“Nature or “places like Yosemite '' inspire so much vulnerability because you’re sitting in these natural places where everything just IS. In these spaces you see earth at its most raw state and something about that makes me want to reflect that.” NJ

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For all of us a shared memory of a past trip was when we spent one evening out at Lembert Dome looking at the stars. All of our imaginations were opened up to the possibilities before us. 

My thoughts that night were more existential than anything else. I wondered what brought us to that moment, how life aligns different people and brings them together. I felt gratitude for everything, and it gave me the opportunity to contextualize my life and realize that I can do and be anything I want as long as I am in the moment. That space inspired gratitude which inspired a love and willingness to live up to my own standards and beliefs.” NJ


 To have had this shared experience together through a sense of communing with the natural world and the entire universe it evoked the spirit in us all to the reality that life is sacred. 

We humbly thank you for your support and our commitment to Education Natures Way.

With Respect,

Ron Kauk - Executive Director

Katie Lambert - Chief Operating Officer

Keeping it Sacred


After two months of being locked out of Yosemite and living at the portal of the Valley the door opened to local residents. Reentering into the sacred world of waterfalls, dogwood blooming, springs that we drink from, no cars, no people to speak of – the feeling is overwhelming beauty as my senses are opening to commune in a way that feels the past, present, and future. 


 The potential of Sacred Rok feels stronger than ever to interpret this kind of experience that the natural world is expressing.  It’s as if you can hear nature think. Or maybe it’s the spirit of nature and your spirit connecting. 


 For me this feels like an evoking of memory and reality that we are all from the earth and this is the relationship that needs rejuvenation from the human heart to find the respect and compassion to protect all life. This can only come through the higher education nature’s way. 


 Sacred Rok will always support the authentic self and promote the gifts that our kids have come into this world with. We are committed more than ever to facilitate this opportunity that Yosemite is expressing to the entire world as a world heritage site and we at Sacred Rok are dedicated to this responsibility to help, heal and mend a world out of balance. 



Ron Kauk - Executive Director

2019 Annual Report

We are honored to share with you our 2019 Annual Report. Now more than ever, we know how important it is to work together. The support from our readers and donors literally keeps our youth on the trail to discover the potential they have to find the gifts they’ve come into this word to share. 

Click the image to view the report.

Thank you for being part of our Sacred Rok community, which gives us the privilege to continue sharing with our youth the realm of higher education nature’s way. 

Ron Kauk - Executive Director

Katie Lambert - Chief Operating Officer 

Being Inspired by Yvon Chouinard – a True Yosemite Climber

 As a pioneer of the 60’s, with routes like the North America Wall on El Capitan, it’s obvious that Yvon learned the art and respect for the natural laws that exists in such an environment.  

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He built this into his company - with an environmental awareness and his visionary commitment through Patagonia’s pledge to environmental campaigns.

 Ron Kauk has been a Patagonia Ambassador for over 15 years. The ripple effect of this relationship has grown into a collaboration for the vision of Sacred Rok to continue to represent what Yosemite has inspired in Ron has a Yosemite climber, too. 

Ron on El Capitan, following in Yvon’s footsteps

Ron on El Capitan, following in Yvon’s footsteps

 Yvon and his company are showing the world what good business can look like to create a healthier planet by taking responsibility. Sacred Rok has committed to this way of imagining a better world through the investment in our youth. 

 We are honored that as an Environmental Grants grantee Yvon and Patagonia will match your donations; Especially at a time when higher education nature’s way will be critical for our future generations. 

Always with respect and humbleness we thank you for willingness to support us. 

Katie Lambert - COO

Ron Kauk - Executive Director